The Nevada Bhaisaheb and Aamil?

Someone placed this picture in the comments –

Dear Mr. Qutbuddin,

     On your website and in other places you have raved about his eminence Taizoon Bhaisaheb Shakir as a true believer of your cause. He is currently your appointed Aamil in Las Vegas. In 2003 he launched a website voicing his confusion about your absence from Syedna Muhammad Burhanuddin’s TUS hazarat and the questions he had at that time regarding the position of the Mazoon. Without his sisters’ and cousins’ permission, he recorded their private telephone conversations and posted them all over the internet, claiming he was doing a noble khidmat for Dawat. That year he didn’t show up at Zikra, however his wife Nisreen came. A little ways after the Devdi Aqa Moula Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin was coming from someones house after a ziyafat, and his wife Nisreen was near. Burhanuddin Moula called her and said (paraphrasing) “Where is Taizoon? Has he come? Tell him that he has hurt me deeply (ehne kaho ke maru ghanu dil dukhayu che).” Moula’s words were most probably in reference to the awkward website of his personal questions that he made public. Where you are elevating his actions as a pious deed (as you have done the same by making Dawoodi Bohra community affairs public knowledge on the internet) Burhanuddin Moula did not hold his actions in any kind regard whatsoever.

    Taizoon Shakir is also one of the only two people from the Qasre Aali (besides your intermediate family) who flocked to your call against the Dawoodi Bohra community. The other is Moiz Mohyuddin Poconoswala – another different Aamil (sans the wavy hair). So my question to you Mr. Qutbuddin is, is it fair to keep him as an aamil and in such an exalted position when his past actions caused so much turmoil to Burhanuddin Moula? Furthermore, I don’t think it is right that he get a such a position and it seems to me that nepotism and elitist mentalities have clouded your judgement for appointing him to such a high position. I have heard Aqa Moula Burhanuddin say in a waez once (again paraphrasing),

“Aamil ne ghanu showq hoi che ke pota na bachao ne agal bethawe. Magar ghani waqt bethawe ane lambha lambha baal hoi che. Ye durust nathi.”

So when I look at this picture (above), although I can understand that his job in Nevada might suit the identity and look he has chosen to have, on the other hand, I am pretty sure that Moula wouldn’t want an Aamil to be walking around without topi and sporting long wavy hair like he does. Furthermore is seems highly hypocritical that an Aamil do all of this and then come to the masjid at night and tell people to do the contrary. Aamils are suppose to be Moula’s baazoo, and strengthen his efforts and wishes. It is hard to do when they don’t want to do it themselves. Why is this kind of behavior acceptable by you? Is it because he is royal blood and gets a free pass to do as he pleases. I have never seen other Bhaisahebs and Aamils appear in this way? Why is everything so different on your side? Taizoon Bhaisaheb Shakir seems to be reaping all the benefits of belonging to a royal family, insisting he be made an Aamil of Nevada, and being one of the elite because of his birth – but it is certainly not because of his ‘amal. His past ‘amal did not make Burhanuddin Moula happy. On the contrary – his past deeds have hurt Burhanuddin Moula’s feelings deeply. My heart goes out to his poor wife and family. If you could possibly comment a bit on him I would appreciate it greatly. And do Aamils have to wear topi in your Da’wat? Is Qawmi libas out the window along with Qardan Hasana and other institutions that Burhanuddin Moula built?

I am anxiously awaiting your reply,

Yusuf Ujjainwala
