Can You Explain Your Ashara Mubaraka Absence?


Bazat Saifiyyah with her father when they appeared to be on Ta’aat

Dear Mr. Qutbuddin,

         Your daughter Dr. Saifiyyah Qutbuddin writes in an a scholarly article about the modern history of the Dawoodi Bohra community  regarding Ashara Mubaraka as a remarkable innovation for religio-cultural identity for the community:

“Routine communal gatherings in the local masjid or markaz are vital to recharging loyalty to the faith and keeping the blood of the community flowing, so to speak, but an illustration of increased solidarity is the huge congregation of thousands of Bohras traveling from all over the world every year to be present at the ‘Ashura sermons commemorating Imam Husayn’s martyrdom held by the present da’i.  These occasions also serve as an international forum for Bohras to keep in touch with traditional Bohra culture and forge closer ties.” (“History fo the Da’udi Bohra Tayyibis,” in A Modern History of the Ismailis, ed. Farhad Daftary).

My question is quite simple then. In the last thirty years or more before your claim as the head of the Dawoodi Bohra Community, I believe you came to one or two gatherings of Ashara Mubaraka with the 52nd Da’i Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think it was more than two. If you were really the successor of His Holiness Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin R.A. do you not think your presence would have been requested by him? Wouldn’t it have been prudent to attend so that at this world gathering people would have come to know, respect, adore, and come to admire Burhanuddin Moula’s RA successor? You, however, were never there and therefore, most mumineen from this international crowd of ‘Bohras traveling from all over the world every year to be present at the ‘Ashura sermons,’ as mentioned by your daughter Bazat Saifiyah, never got to know you personally or ‘forge closer ties’ to you or members of your family. All I remember is Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin Aqa TUS was always present at Ashara and brought mumineen closer to Moula Burhanuddin RA and always helped them understand the importance of these days in the bayan he would do in front of these massive crowds on Ashura ni raat. Aqa Moula Burhanuddin RA never kept him away and he attended all of them as far as I can remember. This was the case for the last 30 years or so. The truth is, since you weren’t there, most people don’t know you and probably never have done salaam to you. This had never been the case with the current Syedi Mazoon Saheb (former Mukasir Saheb) Syedi Husain BS who was constantly present at this event many times in the last thirty years. If you truly are the Haq na Da’i, could you possibly explain your absence from Ashara Mubaraka and why you chose not to attend. I think it is important for you to explain why you were never seen at the most important religio-cultural event which helps form Bohra identity as is the testimony of your learned daughter Dr. Saifiyah.

Thank you for hearing my inquiry.

I hope to hear a response from you since you are saying you are Haq na Da’i and if someone calls you to make an argument in your defense, I believe it is compulsory for you to do so.

Bless you, Mr. Qutbuddin. I hope you will engage in this dialogue so people can understand how you legitimize your claims and you can do the Da’wat that you say you were charged to do.


Hashim Mustafa


8 thoughts on “Can You Explain Your Ashara Mubaraka Absence?

  1. Dear Mr Qutbuddin

    Your son Dr Husain said in his video clip which were posted on yourtube after the wafat of our most beloved Maula Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Ra that he was abide to attend Ashara Majlis and many such majlis for ‘Hiqmat’. Now my question is that what was a hiqmat for him as according to my understanding about nass done by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Ra on you that nobody should be aware of nass by any mean (by words or Ishara) until the wafat of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Ra.

    Now my question is why he used word “hiqmat” as per wasiyat of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Ra
    he was not suppose to know that his father Mr Qutbuddin has been blessed by nass.

    Further he said that he had wrote a book on the doubt which he had in the bayan of Aaliqadr Syenda Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS (who was only mansoos at that time ((he mention ashara mubaraka of Surat))

    Now my question is this a Ikhlaas that sitting in the qadmo of Mansoos and having doubt in his preaching.
    And that also so contradictory that all mumineen who were blessed with iklaas were writing bayan for baraqat and he was writing doubts. he had even shown a book and said that he has wrote a book of doubts which he had in the bayan of Mansoos of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA during Ashara Mubaraka of Surat.

    So, the conclusion is Mr. Qutbuddin you had not obeyed Vasiyat of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Ra which he had said you while performing Nass on you (as per statement of yours on Nass upon you) and you have disclosed the same many many years ago.

    Hence, our most beloved Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Ra who is dai and gaib na saheb was knowing about your deed and has proven to him that you are not trustworthy so how can he give amanat of Imam uz Zaman As to you.

    Abde Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS


  2. Very odd – he wasn’t at Aqa Moula Syedna Burhanuddin RA’s ashara because he was sent by the same Moula RA to perform ashara khidmat.


  3. Kimanumanu,
    Why wasn’t Mr Khuzaima’s waaz broadcasted world wide during your Ashara? Instead Mr. Taher’s waaz was broadcasted from the U.S.A, causing inconvenience to your few followers because Bakersfield is on the West and belongs to the last time zone meaning it was odd hours in other countries.

    Don’t Mr. Khuzaima’s own children have faith in his Bayaan? Or live streaming without subtitles wasn’t a viable option since no one understands gibberish?


    • Now that is a valid question to ask him rather than where he was during ashara in Syedna Burhanuddin RA’s hayati.


  4. Kimanumanu,
    You say Mr Khuzaima did Khidmat of Waaz in Moharrum with the Raza of Aqa Moula Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA all through the years.
    That includes the last Ashara when he did Waaz in Bakersfield and when Aqa Moula Mohammad Burhanuddin RA and Aqa Moula Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS did Waaz Mubarak was in Mumbai.
    If Mr. Khuzaima followed Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA instructions of Khidmat of Ashara in Bakersfield then why didn’t he do the same when Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA performed Nass on Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS in Raudat Tahera?
    Mr. Khuzaima should either have listened to both of Aqa Moula Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA orders or none of them since both of them were given to him after Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA suffered a stroke where Mr. Khuzaima and His Children claim, Burhanuddin Moula RA was not fit to talk or any perform any actions whatsoever (Nauzobillah).


    • I really don’t understand your line of reasoning. He is disputing the “nass” on Mufaddal BS – this is the whole reason we are split today. So perhaps the raza for Ashara in Bakersfield was not from Syedna Burhanuddin RA – it does seem rather convenient he performed Ashara there in hindsight but I have no way of knowing what was going on at the time. It is clear now that, due to the split, that he had not accepted the “nass” and personally I also have mentioned already that the event at Raudat Tahera, in my opinion, was not a declaration of public “nass”.


  5. Kimanumanu,
    You don’t understand or you don’t want to understand. It’s a very simple line of reasoning. Nothing very complex about it. Read it again.
    Of course I know the reason to the creation of the Qutbi Bohras.
    If the Raza for the Bakersfield Ashara was not from Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA then it had to be from Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS. Then that rubbishes his claim entirely cause He Prayed Namaz behind Mufaddal Moula TUS on Hatim Bs Janaza, He Sat after Mufaddal Moula TUS in Jamali Masjid, He performed Waaz on instructions of Mufaddal Moula TUS.
    He in short had accepted Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS as the Mansoos of Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA and did as was commanded of Him.


    • My reply was to challenge the article which, and I quote, claims: “In the last thirty years or more before your claim as the head of the Dawoodi Bohra Community, I believe you came to one or two gatherings of Ashara Mubaraka with the 52nd Da’i Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin RA. ”

      The questions you are asking are questions that I would ask myself so we are in agreement on that.


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